Biofeedback is information to teach you to control automatic body functions such as heart rate, muscle tension, breathing, perspiration, skin temperature, blood pressure and even brain waves. By learning to control these functions, you may be able to improve your medical condition, relieve chronic pain, reduce stress, or improve your physical or mental performance (peak performance). Peak performance can be used to help mental focus during athletic endeavors. It can be a great way to improve your golf game! 

During a session of biofeedback training, we will attach various sensors (typically finger sensors) to your body detect changes in your pulse, skin temperature, muscle tone, brain-wave pattern or some other physiological function. You will hear relaxing music get louder and a calming image will appear on a video screen that tells you that the physiological change has occurred. Gradually, with the help of your biofeedback therapist, you can learn to alter the signal by taking conscious control of your body's automatic body functions.  

In our office, we combine your neurofeedback sessions with biofeedback. We will use the last 10 minutes of your session for biofeedback therapy or will allow you to take equipment home for use.