ADHD and Neurofeedback

The three most common symptoms of ADHD in children are inattention, hyperactivity and impulsiveness. In order for a child to be diagnosed as ADHD these symptoms are observed over a six-month period for children under the age of seven. These symptoms also need to be present in two different settings such as school and clinical environments. 

Inattention is when the child does not have any long term focus or organization of thought. Hyperactivity is when the child talks and moves around a lot. Impulsiveness is when the child interrupts others with their speech or their body. 

In addition to these symptoms, the problem must be a real handicap in at least two of these areas: classroom, playground, at home, in the community and in social settings. There may also be sleep problems, but that's not a prerequisite for a child to be diagnosed as having ADHD.

For more information about QEEG brain mapping, testing or neurofeedback treatment for ADD, ADHD, sensory processing disorder, anxiety, depression or stress - give us a call.